The Best Latest Smartphone On The Market

The answer to which is the best latest smartphone on the market is one with very obvious choices such as iPhone X and Samsung Galaxy S9+, right? No doubt these two phones sport the latest technology, great cameras, build quality, and the style statement, but so do their twins such as iPhone 8 Plus and Galaxy S9 only except they have smaller screens. But if you like things bigger, you should keep in mind that Samsung might be releasing their new foldable phone (a 2-in-1 or new phablet of its kind) next year. And next year is not so far away. I am not fully sure about foldable phone’s future, but it will be fascinating to many of us who like bigger screens on our phones but don’t like how inconvenient they are for carrying around, and how absurd it looks when we hold them to our ears.

Bigger screen sizes have been experimented by most of the giant phone manufacturers (even though the Chinese manufacturers were ahead in this game for a long time). But let’s face it, the most popular screen sizes for a smartphone is 5-inch to 5.5-inch. So, if Samsung’s foldable phone can offer a bigger screen size but in a similar form factor of a phone with 5 to 5.5-inch display, keep it thin, lightweight, and maintain the display’s aspect ratio and body to screen size ratio, then surely many people will find that most fascinating. About this Samsung said that there are still hurdles to overcome. So, let’s put the foldable phone in tomorrow’s business list and pay attention to the phones that are available to us now.

In any case, we didn’t have a hard time deciding which phone should be the winner among the obvious two choices. None of them! We nominate Samsung Galaxy S9 and iPhone 8+ as co-winners. They both are less expensive (and by a great deal), features medium screen (which is more practical), and have almost all features present in iPhone X and Samsung Galaxy S9+. I would like to add an honorable mention here, of which many of you may not approve of, but I should put it here anyway: the Essential Ph-1. Essential Ph-1 is available for half the price of iPhone 8 plus and yet provides a great value for its price. So, before you go on and purchase one of those obvious choices, make sure you have made up your mind about which is the best latest cell phone on the market.

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